Miss Guided made around 108 post, 368 comments, 6,385 page views,58 followers,and has gain numerous readers in three amazing years.
This has been my place to talk about good and bad news, to learn about a ton of new things and has taken up so much of my time over the past year.
I want to thank Blogger, for you have been a great place for my rants, for my not-so-exciting stories, and for those things in my mind that people in real life won’t pay attention to. You have been a comfort zone to many people. You have been a perfect place for a variety of feelings and emotions needed to be vented out.
Also, I want to thank my followers and readers. I thank you all for though my posts are boring, and though the X button is tempting you to click it most of the time, you’re still there. I also thank those people I follow for inspiring me. Thank you for you have been a great motivation for me to share my thoughts and not just keep them to myself.
I know this past months I've been invisible to the blogger community. I seldom blog hop and post. I'm really busy that even my twitter account I forgot to update.But I will never forget the day I gave birth to my blog. (proud mama!!*tears)I will be a blue blooded blogger again when I get my diploma hopefully next year!!! :)